When it comes to saving and investing, the most powerful growth comes from retirement accounts, which are tax-advantaged. Most investors know about the importance of funding these accounts, but most investors (and many professionals!) haven’t given much thought to the power of true long term compounding, as in the case of IRA estate planning. The rewards can be outstanding — almost unbelievable — but everything has to be handled correctly, or the whole plan comes crashing down. Listen as Ed Slott, author of Parlay Your IRA Into a Family Fortune, explains what the rewards and the requirements are. This may be the most valuable financial advice you and your family will ever hear!
Ed Slott was named as “The Best source for IRA advice” by The Wall Street Journal and called “America’s IRA Expert” by Mutual Funds Magazine. He is a nationally recognized authoritative leader on IRA distributions, professional speaker, author, and a personal finance columnist for numerous financial publications. He is the recipient of the prestigious “Excellence in Estate Planning” and “Outstanding Service” awards presented by The Foundation for Accounting Education. Ed is a frequent contributor to The CPA Journal, The Practical Accountant, and Trusts and Estates, and is a past editor of the estates and trusts section of The CPA Journal, and is often quoted in numerous publications, including everything from The New York Times to Newsweek; Time to Fortune magazine. He has appeared on NBC, ABC, CBS, CNBC, CNN, FOX, PBS, and National Public Radio. Ed’s website is www.irahelp.com.