By now, most of you are aware that stock markets around the globe have taken a significant hit this week due to the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) threat, with the S&P 500 falling 9% in the last four days. While dramatic, this type of drop is certainly not unprecedented, nor unexpected. There are lots of statistics, but I’ll just point to dates …
The Value of an Advisor
The Value of an Advisor. As you consider a relationship with a financial advisor, you might find these excellent linked third-party articles from Vanguard and Morningstar — which attempt to put a value on the ongoing value of such a relationship — helpful. As one would expect, the value of an advisor differs with each client relationship, but this …
Epidemics and The Stock Market
[Updated in our blog entry of 2/27/20] The stock market’s at all-time highs, and now faces a new threat in addition to the impeachment trial, trade wars and Middle East instability: the threat of a deadly global pandemic. What should stock market investors do, if anything? If history is any guide, investors may not have a lot to worry about, …